
On behalf of the Clayton County Conservation Board and animals at the Osborne Nature Center, we welcome you to our new innovative blog. On this site you can find information regarding the facilities of Osborne and a Google Calendar showing the public events being held here. Videos and slideshows are also located on the bottom of the page. Subscribe to our blog or check back often to view new happenings at Osborne and within Clayton County Conservation. We hope you find this blog to be enjoyable and informative-Remember to play outside.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Osborne 5K Fun Run

Grab your running shoes and head out to the Osborne Fun Run this September 18th at 9am.  Participants will run or walk he trails at the Osborne Center, crossing the Volga River along the way.  Plan on getting wet and or muddy!  The registration form can be found at www.claytoncountyconservation.org/  Hope to see you on the trails!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Water Poetry

How valuable is clear water in Iowa-more and more this topic is becomming the priority of the environmental movement of our state.  This poem was spawned based upon a few recent experiences kayacking/fishing rivers in Northeast Iowa.

we are on the only planet
where water is the indictor species of every living being
the flowing circulatory heart of earth
we dread having too little or too much, for
clean water and the human heart are out of touch
by thinking altering (draining) the landscape
and treating the water will suffice,
no matter the outcomes no matter the price,
we disregard the organisms who
succumb to our fate in the silted waters we create.

In a growing population
you better grab your clean share
while the ice is still melting.

Yes, come tomorrow
I’m heading north to borrow a boat
To go floating above for an honest purpose,
fishing below for a better meaning
of what lays under the surface.
Hoping for clearer waters to
reveal a flowing heart who is tranquil, healthy
and free.


For the past few weeks the Monarch Butterflys have been a spectacular sight in Osborne Nature Center's butterfly garden. Kids and parents alike, have been spending time in the garden chasing them around. The seasonal naturalists have also been keeping tabs on them by putting Milkweed and Monarch eggs in an large container where people are allowed to watch the transformation of the Monarch. Currently, there are over five catapillars downstairs in the Osborne Nature Center. Last week, a group of students was lucky enough to release a full grown Monarch into the wild.  Reports say this year may be a record year for Monarch Migration to Mexico-so find the time to get outside and see this wonderfull insect!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Osborne Nature Center

Stop in the Iowa Room at the Osborne Nature Center to see the new t-shirts and gifts we have on display. We also have several  monarch chrysalis and caterpillars below in the nature center. The two fawns in the Native Wildlife Exhibit are also up and moving around quite often.